The Destroyit 3104 strip cut paper shredder is capable of shredding 30 sheets at once at 18 feet per minute. It is designed for centralized office use. Shredding is started and stopped automatically by photo cell sensors. The 3104 features Energy Saving Mode which turns off the shredder if it is not used for an hour. The wood cabinet features casters so the shredder can be moved around freely. The 3104 is capable of shredding staples, paper clips, credit cards and CDs. The shred bin can hold up to 32 gallons of waste and the shredder will stop automatically when the bin is full. The 3104 has a safety guard over the 12" feed opening to provide maximum safety. The shredder will not run if the guard is open. The Electronic Capacity Control warns users if they are close to causing a paper jam. The Destroyit 3104 is easy to use and efficient.
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